Adrian Battaglia of Comics Etc. in Rochester, New York saw our article on early release of the Hulk Encyclopedia in bookstores (see 'Chain Stores Beat Comic Stores on Marvel Encyclopedia') and reports a similar situation with the Marvel RPG.


The new Marvel Universe RPG was on sale this past weekend at Media Play locally.  We will not receive it in the comic stores until May 21.  Coupled with the early sale in bookstores of the Hulk Marvel Encyclopedia, Marvel has once again showed the comic book stores where they are in the feeding chain.  While we get an unending supply of bogus claims from Marvel about their tremendous successes with books such as Thunderbolts and Sentinel, what we really need is equal footing on the field of competition with the large chain stores. As a retailer, how am I supposed to have any confidence in Marvel?  It appears they will sell us out at every opportunity.  I am thoroughly disgusted with their anti-comic retailer attitude.  While DC experiments with returnability, Marvel experiments with early releases and exclusive deal with chain stores.  It's easy to see which company is interested in creating a stronger market in the comic book stores.