The hobby game market has nearly doubled since 2008, according to the report.
The increase in sales has provided profits that are being plowed back into the industry at the retail level, with growth in retail square footage, expansion of play space, and investment in better play experiences.
Collectible games and board games were driving the growth through the holiday season, with sales on market leader Magic: The Gathering continuing to rise, and a hot new entrant, the My Little Pony CCG debuting at #4 in the hobby.
There was also a shake-up in the board games chart, with Iello’s King of Tokyo moving up to #3 for the Fall 2013 season, a big move in a category typically dominated by evergreens.
And Cards Against Humanity (see “Hit Game Sells 500,000 Copies”), described by one retailer as a “cultural phenomenon,” charted in the trade in the Card and Dice Game category despite the fact that its business model is based on direct sales to consumers via Amazon. Multiple stores told us that it was their #1 game for the holiday season.
ICv2 also published its hobby game bestseller charts in the new issue, covering all five categories.
For the lists of the bestselling Collectible Games in the hobby channel, in the mass channel, and over-all, click here.
For the bestselling board games in the hobby channel, click here.
For the bestselling card/dice games in the hobby channel, click here.
For the bestselling RPGs, click here.
For the bestselling non-collectible miniature games, click here.
For information on how to get your copy of Internal Correspondence #84, see "ICv2 Releases 'Internal Correspondence' #84."