The Wave Five ships releasing June 4 will include the Borg Tactical Cube, the Bajoran Interceptor Five, and the Vulcan D’Kyr. Each ship is sold separately and comes with pegs and stands, as well as Maneuver Dials, cards and upgrade tokens for use in game. The Borg Tactical Cube will have an MSRP of $24.99, while the Bajoran Interceptor Five and the Vulcan D’Kyr will have an MSRP of $14.99.
The Wave Six ships releasing July 11 will include the Borg Soong, the Federation U.S.S. Enterprise, and the Dominion Battle Cruiser. Each ship is sold separately and comes with pegs and stands, as well as Maneuver Dials, cards and upgrade tokens for use in game. All three ships have an MSRP of $14.99.
Wave Seven Expansion Packs in August will include the Borg Scout Cube, the Vulcan Ni’Var, and the Federation Enterprise (NX-01) ships. Each ship is sold separately and comes with pegs and stands, as well as Maneuver Dials, cards and upgrade tokens for use in game. All three ships will release on August 6, with an MSRP of $14.99.