The Wave Eight ships releasing September 3 will include the Borg Queen Vessel Prime, the Federation U.S.S. Enterprise – E, and the Val Jean for the Independent faction. Each ship is sold separately and comes with pegs and stands, as well as Maneuver Dials, cards and upgrade tokens for use in game. All three ships have an MSRP of $14.99.
The Wave Nine ships releasing October 1 will include the Mirror Universe Defiant, the Klingon Chang’s Bird of Prey, and the Romulan Scimitar. Each ship is sold separately and comes with pegs and stands, as well as Maneuver Dials, cards and upgrade tokens for use in game. All three ships have an MSRP of $14.99.
For more immediate summer Star Trek: Attack Wing Expansion Packs see "'Star Trek: Attack Wing' Expansions."