Two new waves have been announced. Wave 10, scheduled to release December 3rd, will include the Regent’s Flagship, Hideki-Class Attack Squadron, and Vidiian Starships.
Wave 11 will release January 7th with the Hirogen Warship, Romulan Drone Ship, and Federation Attack Fighter Squadron.
WizKids also announced an updated release schedule for upcoming product (see "'Star Trek: Attack Wing' Expansions" and "More 'Star Trek: Attack Wing' Expansions"). Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 7 has been pushed back to September 3. Wave 8 will now release on October 1st. Wave 9 will release on November 5th.
The new Resistance is Futile story arc for organized play is planned to last three months, starting in September of this year, right on the heels of The Collective OP conclusion (see "'The Collective' Storyline OP"). The storyline program will feature a Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant. There are three monthly Organized Play Kits which will release near the end of September, October, and November. The kits include special prizes and incentives for the players each month. Each kit will include enough materials for 10 participants.
Special Resistance is Futile Tournament Bricks will also be available to support the tournaments. These bricks will include five new Star Trek: Attack Wing ships available only in the tournament bricks. Like the OP kit, each brick is expected to support 10 players. These bricks are limited: each store will only be able to order one brick for each Resistance is Futile OP Kit they order.
A "Grand Prize" will also be offered for the third month of the OP program.