Legendary Comics has scheduled the launch of Annihilator, written by Grant Morrison with art by Frazer Irving, for September.  The new series, originally announced for 2013 (see "Legendary Touts Projects with Del Toro and Morrison"), tells the story of a washed-up screenwriter who joins with his fictional  sci-fi rebel anti-hero in a race to stop the universe from imploding. 

(Click any image for larger view.) 

Legendary also released cover art for its previously announced 2014 launches (see "Three Legendary Comics Series").  Here’s The Tower Chronicles, by Matt Wagner and Simon Bisley, launching in August.


A Town Called Dragon, by Judd Winick and Geoff Shaw, launching in September. 

Epochalypse, by Jonathan Hennessey and Shane Davis, launching this fall.

The Harvester, by Brandon Seifert and Eric Battle, launching in 2015.