The game is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, and blew through its modest $15,000 goal in less than 24 hours. As of this writing, the game has received pledges of $62,093 from 2,779 backers, with more than 28 days to go, so it’s trending toward a big number.
Harbour, designed by Scott Almes (Tiny Epic Kingdoms), is a light-hearted fantasy city-building port game. Players take the roll of entrepreneurs in the fantasy port city. On their turn, players take their worker and move it to an unoccupied building, then do what the building says. The goal is to buy and sell goods, make shipments, purchase buildings and manipulate the market, acquiring prestige (which is similar to victory points). The market is constantly changing, the characters have special player powers, and the building mix is random, so the constantly shifting mix leads to good replayability.
The game is for 2 -4 players ages 10 and up, and plays in 20-30 minutes. MSRP is $20.00. Backer fulfillment is scheduled for March 2015, with trade release to follow.