The Alan Moore critique came in an interview with BleedingCool, in which he alleged that his longtime friend Steve Moore had received no payment from publisher Radical Comics for the making of the film based on the comic, and that his name was used in promotion of the film although he’d requested that it be taken off. In his usual outspoken way, Moore said, "I would also ask that anybody out there who gives a damn about Steve Moore or his legacy not go to see this wretched film."
Additonal reporting by the site indicates that Steve Moore was likely not entitled to a payment for the film (it had been negotiated out of a later version of his work-for-hire contract), but that the allegations about expanding the use of Moore’s name in connection with the film after Moore passed away appear to be true.
MGM released a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. "MGM licensed the feature film rights from Radical Comics and fulfilled all contractual obligations," it said. "Steve Moore was a legend within the comics industry, whose work we greatly admire."
Sorbo said it’s "kind of stupid" that he wasn’t included in the Hercules film in a cameo, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He said his team had approached director Brett Ratner, but was rebuffed for unknown reasons. "The audience would have loved it," he argued.