Joseph Gordon-Levitt is featured in the latest clip from Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, which hits theaters on August 22nd--but will it hit with the same ferocity that JGL displays in this clip where he defends a young stripper (played by Julia Garner) from the depredations of two musclebound hoods.
While much of the action in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is taken from Miller’s Sin City comics (published by Dark Horse Comics), several sequences were created by Miller and Rodriguez just for the film including the storyline featuring Gordon-Levitt as a tapped-out gambler named Johnny.
This latest Sin City saga is pushing the envelope as far as sex and violence is concerned. The MPAA objected to a sexy poster for the film featuring Eva Green (see "MPAA Censoring 'Sin City' Poster"), and ABC also rejected a TV spot because of Green’s sheer negligee, but to get the full effect of just how edgy this film is going to be check out the uncensored Red Band trailer (see "'Sin City: A Dame to Kill For' Read Band Trailer").
In New 'Sin City' Clip
Posted by ICv2 on August 14, 2014 @ 10:55 am CT
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