While joking with a customer today, I said, "I bet the last issue of the Death of Wolverine will be a month late!" We all had a big laugh.
And low and behold Issue #3 is not on my invoice from Diamond next week. So I checked Diamond's website and it says that #3 is arriving the first Wednesday of October, and Issue #4 the 2nd week of October.
What happened to: (from Marvels press release), "Death of Wolverine #1 hits on September 3 (that’s the cover image above.) The next three issues of the series will follow every week ensuing, climaxing with Death of Wolverine #4 on September 24."
So why did we have to pre-order these soooooo far in advance? And with no order adjustment to them whatsoever. Marvel said it was because of the foiling process taking so long. SO what happened?
I feel like a fool telling my customers that this series is weekly, and when they show up next week they will be disappointed. (Long time Marvel readers will probably laugh and say "Typical Marvel!")
Any chance Marvel had at competing in sales with DC's 3D month just evaporated.
Good news, will the last 2 late issues be fully returnable???
At least when DC promises a weekly series they meet deadlines.
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