The Premium Gold booster was introduced last year (see "'Yu-Gi-Oh! Premium Gold' and 'Dragons of Legend' Boosters"). The release takes the best cards from the past Gold Series sets, and "enshrines" them in a gold color (gold card frames, gold art boxes frames, gold text box frames, card names and even gold level stars for Monster cards).
For this set, 22 previous Gold Rare cards have been revised with the new-and-improved advanced Gold Rare technology. This release includes 48 top cards released with Gold Rare technology for the first time, including all five pieces of "Exodia," and "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK." There will also be 21 new Gold Secret cards, including cards for Blackwing, Stardust and HERO decks.
Each five-card "Premium Gold" mini-pack contains two brand new, never-before-released Gold Secrets cards. Each mini-pack also contains three standard Gold Rares (one card an upgraded prior Gold Rare, plus two new Gold Rares).
Each Premium Gold box contains three mini-packs (for a total of 15 cards: six Gold Secrets and nine Gold Rares. MSRP is set at $14.99.