Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics in Whippany, New Jersey saw the question from future retailer Will Masterson (see 'Will Masterson of RW Comics on Hope') and had this response:


Will Masterson, the future proprietor of RW comics, wrote a very thoughtful letter that I would like to respond to.  I hope that my comments will be taken in an overall positive way, even though I have a reputation for being a complainer and doomsayer.  Let me start by saying this: there is no way I would open a second store today given the nature of the comics business.  If the headaches and vagaries of running a store were all I had to worry about, that would be fine.  But I also feel (as I said in a previous ICv2 comment) that retailers are all alone in the comic book sea.

While it is true that some of the companies we deal with make greater efforts to help us out, these efforts are ONLY made because they benefit the company more so.  There is certainly no altruism among any of our 'partners', be they publishers, manufacturers, or distributors - Marvel's recent Previews change, forced on us no less, is proof of that.  I know Diamond's margins can be very tight, but they could show their long-term commitment to retailers and the industry by giving Previews to us for FREE starting with the first Marvel co-opted issue.  Each store would be limited to a maximum of 100 copies with smaller revenue stores getting less on a percentage basis.  Stores that used to order more than 100 copies could decide which of their customers would be best served by continuing to receive Previews.  Stores that truly, absolutely require more than 100 would pay for any copies over that number.  But I digress (thanks Peter David!)  ...


It is because I so firmly believe that we are alone in this, along with all the usual travails that accompany running a business in general, that I would not take the financial risk of opening a store now.

Having said all that...  Will, if you have a focused vision of what you want your store to be and how to make it that way; if you have the financial resources to operate for at least a year; if you truly love comics and feel you can take your love and enthusiasm for the form and translate that into consumer spending; if you feel that you have the stamina and fortitude to put in long hours every week; if you feel that rowing against the current can make you stronger - well then, by all means join those of us who do this for a living already.


The rewards are scant, but they are great.  Getting a child into reading comics is wonderful and watching them grow with you over the years is exceptional.  Overcoming bad choices and decisions and having your business thrive in spite of it all is reassuring.  Being your own boss - well, that's a great deal of why many of us do this.  Having access to all the new comics and pop-culture stuff - a small reward, but appreciated after long hours at the front counter, on the phone, in front of the computer, etc.


At the end of the day, all the bull heaped upon us by Diamond, Marvel, and DC to a far lesser extent, as well as all the other myriad 'partners' we get to work with - IS outweighed by the rewards.  But it isn't easy, it isn't always fun, and sometimes it's demoralizing as hell.  But it's a good life if you can balance everything in your mind and in your work.  Good luck to you Will if you join us.  It will be worth it in the end if you work hard to be the best you can be.  I am sure you will.