Jon Chandler of Sho'Nuff Comics in Tuscaloosa, Alabama writes in to comment on Marvel allowing a non-comic store to have multiple exclusive variant covers for the upcoming release of Star Wars #1.

When I read that Marvel is printing a million copies of Star Wars #1, I thought there must be stores out there ordering a ton of them.  I ordered a decent number of them to qualify for the Party variant and prints, but only expected a more long term sales of Star Wars #1 over the coming months.

That was till I learned that Movie Stop is going to be having the Star Wars Launch Party at its stores with six variant covers with two of them EXCLUSIVE covers.  Was I called by the local store to possibly participate in a joint release party?  NOPE.  I learned about it from a customer that mentioned it, and NOW I know why Marvel is printing that many copies.  How does this help the comic market as a whole?  Movie Stop does not sell comics, and after this one issue won't be carrying the other issues.  Who it DOES hurt is shops like mine that is always trying to find ways to get our store in front of the local public.  Now the people that might have come to my store from Marvel's advertising of the issue will find it at other locations that don't even carry comics.

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