Warner Bros. animation has released the first trailer for Batman vs. Robin, which is the sequel to 2014’s Son of Batman and is based on Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman: The Court of Owls story arc. Indeed the Court of Owls and its chief assassin Talon are included in this trailer, which also contains some nice Batmobile action as well as a welcome dose of humor to leaven the "noir-ish" storyline.
Batman vs. Robin will feature an all-star vocal cast including Jason O’Mara as the Dark Knight, Stuart Allen as Robin, Sean Maher as Talon, David McCallum as Alfred and Weird Al Yankovic as the classic Batvillain, The Dollmaker.
In First Trailer for 'Batman vs. Robin' Animated Feature
Posted by ICv2 on January 19, 2015 @ 11:01 am CT