Today Marvel Comics announced Warzones!, the third umbrella brand that joins Last Days, and Battleworld as the third category of titles launching during the Secret Wars, each of which has its own unique type of story to tell. Titles carrying the Warzones! banner tell stories of the individual dominions of Battleworld. What happens within their borders? What heroes guard their skies? What villains conspire within? How does over 75 years of Marvel’s epic history play out now that Battleworld is all there is?
David Gabriel, Marvels SVP of Sales and Marketing, is adamant in proclaiming the importance of the Warzones! books: "To be clear, Warzones! titles are not fill-ins. These are the event caliber books, magnified to the nth degree. Secret Wars has afforded us a completely unique opportunity to tell huge, epic, event-sized stories within the framework of this new, patchwork planet--events within events. These titles will lay the building blocks and groundwork for what’s next, if that gives any indication of how important they are!"
Warzones! joins Last Days (see "Marvel Unveils 'Last Days' Brand of 'Secret Wars' Comics") and Battleworld (see "'Battleworld' Is Second 'Secret Wars' Umbrella Brand") as major chroniclers of the massive changes brought about by the Secret Wars event (see "'Secret Wars' Will End the Marvel Universe").

Exploring the Future of the Marvel Universe
Posted by ICv2 on January 23, 2015 @ 1:02 pm CT