Wizards of the Coast has laid off two long-term editors, Chris Sims and Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, who both have worked on the latest edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
Sims, who has been a technical editor, developer and game designer for WotC since 2005, worked on Dungeons & Dragons 3rd, 4th and 5th edition; the Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game; as well as worked on both Magic: The Gathering and Duel Masters TCG.
Sims confirmed that there are currently eight in-house full-time staff members, including the producer, remaining on the tabletop Dungeons & Dragons team, not including additional staff employed for art design, brand, and licensing.
Clarke Wilkes has been a senior editor for WotC since 2008, and has been with the company since 1995. Her editing and author credits include numerous Dungeons & Dragons books for Advanced D&D; 3rd, 4th and 5th editions; and several Magic: The Gathering sets.
Wizards of the Coast did not respond to a request for comment in time for this article.

WotC Lays Off Two Editors
Posted by ICv2 on January 29, 2015 @ 5:18 pm CT