VIZ Media has acquired North American rights to the popular manga series My Hero Academia, the story of a teen’s quest to become a superhero, which it will launch in August. It’s been running in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in Japan, and in the digital version of Weekly Shonen Jump in North America.
My Hero Academia is created by Kohei Horikoshi, who’s also known in North America for Barrage, which VIZ launched in 2013 (see "Review: 'Barrage' Vol. 1").
The story follows a middle school student who’s one of the 20% of kids born without superpowers. He won’t be admitted to one of the high schools where superpowered kids learn to use their powers, but encounters the greatest hero of them all, which gives him a chance to change his destiny.
Launching in August
Posted by ICv2 on February 20, 2015 @ 1:28 am CT