An ICv2 Release.  ICv2 has announced the release of ICv2's Internal Correspondence #87, which is released to the trade by Alliance Game Distributors, Diamond Comic Distributors, ACD Distribution, GTS Distribution, Southern Hobby Supply, AAA Anime, Bookazine, Esdevium, other distributors, and is also available directly from ICv2.

Internal Correspondence #87 covers the hobby game and comics/graphic novel markets.  This issue includes market reports on the Fall season for both games and comics, our evaluations of current trends, a look at what’s selling and why, feature articles, and the Pick Hits to Click for Summer 2015.

For more on the contents of this issue, see "Six Straight Growth Years in Hobby Games."

Digital copies (PDFs) are available instantly from your favorite DriveThru store.  For librarians and educators interested in subscribing to ICv2's Internal Correspondence, order from EBSCO (title #408-601-128), DEMCO (product #60001562), or WT Cox (title #128411).

 To order a digital copy of ICv2's Internal Correspondence #87, click here.

 If you are a retailer, you can get a free copy.  If your distributor is on the list above, just ask for your free copy of Internal Correspondence, or if not, e-mail Dennis Viau at  to request a copy.