At the GAMA Trade Show, Alderac Entertainment Group announced several upcoming games including Smash Up Munchkin, Epic Adventures, and Dice City.
Smash Up Munchkin is a stand-alone Smash Up card game expansion which will include four decks. The game is planned for summer release.
Epic Adventure will be a card based role-playing game. AEG will fund the game through Kickstarter in the fall, and the Kickstarter will include a retailer level, Alderac’s Jesse Goldberg told ICv2. Backer fulfillment is planned for late 2015, with trade release following in 2016.
Dice City will be a new game designed by Greek board game company Artipia Games (Among The Stars, Drum Roll) and AEG. The dice game will include city building, trade, cultural growth, and fighting bandits. MSRP and release date were not announced.
AEG shared this card from Dice City on Facebook.
AEG also announced Adventure Time Love Letter, Archer Love Letter, Rumpelstiltskin, and Dark Seas at Toy Fair (see "Alderac Toy Fair News and Pics"), and Game of Crowns earlier this month (see "'Game of Crowns'").

Upcoming Alderac Releases
Posted by ICv2 on March 20, 2015 @ 2:19 pm CT