In October Dark Horse Comics will publish Bob Powell’s Complete Jet Powers Hardcover ($49.99), a 200-page full color collection of all of Bob Powell’s early 1950s aviation series Jet Powers, which was published by Magazine Enterprises. Created by Powell and writer Gardner Fox, Jet Powers made his debut in A-1 Comics in 1950 and then got his own Jet Powers comic that last four issues before it morphed into American Air Forces "Starring Jet Powers."
The eponymous hero of the Jet Powers comics was a brilliant scientist and inventor, but also a fit and trim man-of-action in the 1930s pulp fiction mode. Powers was aided in his fight against evil by the beautiful Su Shan, who he rescued from the Fu Manchu-like villain Mr. Sinn. After four issues the title of the comic was changed to American Air Forces and Jet Powers went from being a brilliant scientist to a hotshot fighter pilot engaging in multiple dogfights in the Korean conflict.
Nexus co-creator Steve Rude provides the introduction to Dark Horse first ever collection of the Jet Powers comics, which also contains an essay by James Vance and John Wooley about the comics, which have become cult favorites among aficionados of pre-code comics.

Due From Dark Horse in October
Posted by Tom Flinn on May 19, 2015 @ 9:50 pm CT