Miles Morales, the Spider-Man secret identity from the Ultimate universe, will be Spider-Man in the re-launched core Spider-Man title this fall, according to the New York Daily News. The series will be written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Sarah Pichelli.
It’s been revealed that the post-Secret Wars Avengers line-up will include Morales as Spider-Man (see "Post-'Secret Wars' Avengers and Inhumans"), and Marvel had indicated that the Ultimate universe was being folded into the regular Marvel comic universe (see "'Secret Wars' Will End the Marvel Universe").
Peter Parker will also appear in the new series, as an adult mentor to Morales.
Bendis told the Daily News of an incident that brought home the implications of Marvel’s more diverse characters: seeing his adopted African-American daughter put on a Miles Morales Spider-Man mask in a department store and saying, "Look daddy. I’m Spider-Man!"
"I started crying in the middle of the aisle," Bendis told the News. "I realized my kids are going to grow up in a world that has a multi-racial Spider-Man, and an African American Captain America and a female Thor."

With Peter Parker as Mentor
Posted by Milton Griepp on June 22, 2015 @ 2:54 am CT