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The 168-page Alice Cooper Vol. 1: Welcome to My Nightmare hardcover includes Harris and Jerwa’s six-issue series with art by Eman Casallos and Nacho Tenorio. The story follows the shock rock legend as he quests to regain his title as “The Lord of Nightmares” in the sleeping realm.
Dynamite is also including a remastered version of Cooper’s first comic book appearance from Marvel Premiere Vol. 1 #50 – “From the Inside,” from October 1, 1979. The story was based on Cooper’s 11th studio album of the same name, which was released in November 1978. The issue was scripted by Ed Hannigan, from a plot by Cooper, Jim Salicrup, and Roger Stern; pencils by Tom Sutton and inks by Terry Austin. The cover was also done by Sutton and Austin.Dynamite released a remastered edition of Cooper’s comic collaboration with Neil Gaiman last fall (see “Preview: 'Neil Gaiman's The Last Temptation ' HC”).