Eagle-Gryphon Games has announced three new games for September:  Xenon Profiteer, The Gallerist, and Wombat Rescue.

Xenon Profiteer is a Euro-style deck building game designed by T.C. Petty III that explores the little-known but highly competitive field of xenon extraction.  Each player controls a rival Air Separation Facility competing to fill contracts for valuable xenon gas.  Unlike many deck building games, in Xenon Profiteer players are required to remove cards from their decks in order to generate the xenon required.

The game includes 216 cards, 25 bid tokens, and 28 coins.  Xenon Profiteer is for 2 - 4 players, ages 13 and up, and plays in about 45 minutes.  MSRP is $29.99.

In The Gallerist, designer Vital Lacerda (Vinhos) puts players in the role of art gallery managers, acting as art dealers promoting and nurturing favored artists as they buy, display, and sell artworks.  Players attempt to both create and fill demand for their products through promotion and exhibition.

The game includes a board, 3 art easels, 4 pawns, 80 meeples, 170 tiles, 28 cards, play money, and various tokens and markers.  The Gallerist is for 1 - 4 players, ages 10 and up, and plays in about 90 minutes.  MSRP is $79.99.

On the slightly sillier side of things, Matt Wolfe’s Wombat Rescue cass players as “Mama Wombats” trying to locate and rescue their babies from the dingo that chased them away.  Mama Wombats need to eat food in order to produce “poop” that will create a landscape of smells that the wombats can then navigate.  Despite the cutesy artwork and pieces, Wombat Rescue is a light to medium strategy game.

The game includes 24 geomorphic terrain tiles, 30 cards, 60 food tokens, 1 cloth bag, 1 wooden dingo, 12 wooden wombats, 60 poop cubes, 4 player boards, and 8 action tiles.  Wombat Rescue is for 1 - 4 players, ages 10 and up, and plays in about 60 minutes.  MSRP is $49.99.

Two expansions for Wombat Rescue are also planned.  The Wombat Rescue: 5th Player Expansion ($12.99) adds the pieces need to expand the game to allow five players.  The Wombat Rescue: Expansion Pack ($8.99) will include 8 more board tiles, a set of boulders to create obstacles, and stickers to add a thematic touch to the game’s food tiles. Release date on the expansions was not announced.