Anomaly is a science fiction graphic novel saga that utilizes an augmented reality app which allows readers to use a tablet or phone app to interact with select panels and explore the story though animation and narration ('Anomaly,' The Longest Full Color Original Graphic Novel”). The first Anomaly ($75.00) has sold over 10,000 copies, Anomaly co-creator Brian Haberlin told ICv2.
Anomaly 2: The Rubicon is due in December or January. The sequel picks up right where Anomaly ended. As the protagonists uncover the dark mysteries of the origins of life on Anomaly, evidence of earlier Conglomerate missions and experiments comes to light. The group then plots to deliver the first blow in a rebellion against the Conglomerate, during the public festivities of the Rubicon.
The company hopes to establish a schedule of two Anomaly releases a year. “They’ll be a little bit thinner, like 150 pages, but they’ll still be the same wide-screen format with all the bells and whistles,” Haberlin said. “But you’ll be able to get it more often, which I think will help the fan base, too.”
In September, Anomaly Productions has teamed with Image Comics to release Faster Than Light, its first print periodical series. The story is written by Brian Haberlin, with art by Haberlin and Geirrod Vandyke, and covers by Haberlin and Geirrod. The first story arc will be five issues, which will then be collected in a trade paperback release.Each issue of Faster Than Light will feature four captain’s logs which readers can access when using the AR app. “We have our voice actor, Vince Corazza, who is John in our voice app for Anomaly,” Haberlin said. “So you get the different aspects of what’s really what’s going on in the story you just saw from his commentary after the fact. And also you can get a recap of what went on in the mission before and the mission to come. And there’s also the secret log that goes back to the council, who really knows what’s going on in the mission.” Haberlin also said future issues may include logs from characters other than the captain.