Captain Action Enterprises, in cooperation with veteran game designers Harold Sipe and Meg Stivison, announced a new Captain Action Card Game that will be released in 2016 as part of the 50th Anniversary of the multifaceted hero created by the Ideal Toy Company in 1966.
The redesigned Captain Action Card Game will be based in part on the classic send-away card game first introduced in 1967, and will provide a visual link to the classic deck but with updated mechanics. The design of the box and deck will closely mirror the original pack and have a cool retro visual appeal while keeping the promise of "3-in-1 Play" from the original game.
The Captain Action Card Game is designed to be an easy-to-play party game for from 2 to 6 players. The Captain Action game deck will include Action Boy, Lady Action, Dr. Evil, and all the characters and aspects of the protean Captain Action universe.
The Captain Action game will be released in 2016 and will include both classic art from the action packaging and new pieces from from comics and animation greats. Artist line-up announcements, exclusive deck for major comic conventions and release date will be announced in Fall 2015.
Check out prototype card art from Carmine Infantino, Murphy Anderson, and Paul Gulacy in the Gallery below.
Due in 2016
Posted by ICv2 on July 28, 2015 @ 6:41 pm CT