DC Comics will continue publishing Omega Men through the originally scheduled 12 issues, the company announced on Friday. DC Co-Publisher Jim Lee Tweeted the news first. "In talking to [co-publisher Dan Dan Didio], we’ll continue Omega Men until at least issue 12 b/c of the fans," he wrote. The title was originally scheduled to be canceled with #7, which is scheduled for December.
DC Comics also Tweeted the news: "Omega Men is back by popular demand!" The company also released a page of art, reproduced below.
Four DC titles remain canceled. Doomed will end in November, and Lobo, Justice League United, and Gotham by Midnight will end with their December issues.
Based on the numbers, Justice League United is the surprise, with sales nearly double the rest of the titles. Sales on Omega Men were in the middle of the five affected titles. Here are the direct market sales of the canceled (and uncanceled) titles in August (see "Top 300 Comics--August 2015"):
24,360 -- Justice League United
14,747 -- Gotham by Midnight
13, 245 -- Omega Men
12,387 -- Doomed
11,568 -- Lobo
See newly released page in the Gallery below.

Four Other Titles, with Sales Higher and Lower, Still Canceled
Posted by Milton Griepp on September 21, 2015 @ 1:08 am CT