An offer to sell a comics collection on Craigslist was actually a ruse that led to an armed robbery, according to The Morning Call. The victims were Gene Bartholomew, former owner of Allentown, Pennsylvania record and comics store Toones, and his friend Michael Cringoli. The collection was described as recently inherited.
After days of negotiations and agreement on a price of $50,000, the pair agreed to meet the seller at a public building in an Allentown suburb, but on arrival were redirected to a nearby (unoccupied) home. Bartholomew was ambushed by three armed attackers, he told police. He threw the bag of money over a fence and struggled with the attackers; he was joined by Cringoli and together they detained one of the attackers. The other two escaped with the money.
Geovanni Francis Jimenez was charged with two counts of robbery, and one each of aggravated assault, theft, and receiving stolen property. The other two attackers (and the money) are being sought.
$50K Stolen
Posted by Milton Griepp on October 5, 2015 @ 2:33 am CT