Greenbrier Games has announced the new dark-fantasy RPG board game Folklore: The Affliction. The game is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.

(Click either image for larger view.)

Designed by Adam & Brady Sadler (Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2E, Warhammer Quest: Adventure Card Game), players adventure in a magical land awash with fear, myth and superstition. A dangerous evil is overtaking the land, and destroying the populace.  Players explore dangerous locals to find clues about the evil’s source, while also fighting creatures of legend and defending the weak.  The epic saga includes numerous quests set up as chapters for multi-night campaigns. Players’ characters level up, learn abilities, and earn valuable gear as they continue through the various adventures.

The game is for 1-5 players, and a standard adventure runs 90-120 minutes. Greenbreir declined to provide trade release information at this time.

The Kickstarter campaign has raised over $430,000 from more than 2,400 backers as of this writing, with 7 hours to go.