Game company Artana has been selected to publish a game based on the life of Albert Einstein by Corbis Entertainment, the exclusive licensing agent for the estate of Albert Einstein. The game will cover a combination of Einstein’s scientific discoveries and the dramas of his personal life.
Artana made a splash at Gen Con with its announcement of the Echo System, co-designed by Rob Daviau (Risk: Legacy, Betrayal at House on the Hill) and Artana co-founder Dirk Knemeyer (Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents) (see "Rob Daviau's 'Legacy' System for Civilization Games"). Artana's work on games with other scientific figures was a key element to their selection for the Einstein game, Kevin Connelly, Director of Rights Representation at Corbis Entertainment said in the announcement.
"We are excited that Artana is bringing Einstein's story to tabletop gaming," wrote Connelly. "Their renowned treatment in this genre of other scientific personalities like Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Tomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla gives us great confidence and we are delighted to be working with them on the project.
Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents has been a great success for Artana, with around 90% of the first printing having sold out. The company recently debuted its next game, Chronicles: Origins. Artana is planning for a late 2016 release for the as-of-yet-unnamed Einstein game.