Buddy Saunders, owner of the Lone Star Comics chain headquartered in Arlington, Texas saw Michael Tierney's Talk Back warning on Fallen Angel #2 (see 'Michael Tierney of The Comic Book Store With a Warning to Retailers') and issued a thanks for the heads up:


With regard to your item, 'Michael Tierney of the Comic Book Store with a Warning to Retailers,' I want to thank Michael for bringing this problem to the attention of retailers.  I make a point of reading the daily ICv2 as soon as possible each day.  The Aug. 13th edition was especially timely.  I read Michael's item first thing this morning, in time to get his information about Fallen Angel #2 out on the 'new comics to promote' page that we send to our eight stores each week along with the new comics.  While publishers are free to put whatever they want into comics, they have an obligation to advise retailers of content that could put a retailer at risk.  Such advisories should occur when the comic is solicited, as content governs to whom a comic may be sold and how it may be displayed and promoted.


Comics with content inappropriate for minors should also be labeled with an advisory.  It is both unreasonable and unfair of publishers to expect sales clerks to somehow be aware of the content (and especially language) of any given comic when hundreds are crossing the sales counter each day.  I'm disappointed that DC, which is usually retailer friendly, failed to respond to Michael's concerns and failed to indicate Fallen Angels would be a mature reader title.


Note--DC finally put out an advisory notice on this title via e-mail late Wednesday morning, at least in part in response to our queries, which began on Monday.--Ed.