Action Phase Games will release of three new games to trade during the first half of 2016:  Kodama: The Tree Spirits, Ninja Camp, and Scoundrel Society.

In Kodama: The Tree Spirits, designed by Daniel Solis (Kigi) players guide the growth of their trees through the play of branch cards, trying to create interesting arrangements that will please their tree spirits, which will award victory points.  But care must be taken to leave opportunities for future growth.

The game includes 118 cards, 12 player markers, 1 Kodama pawn, and a scoring track. It is designed for 2 to 5 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in about half an hour.  MSRP is $19.99.  Kodama will be available in April.

Kodama was funded through a very successful Kickstarter campaign that collected almost $100,000 in pledged support from nearly 3,400 backers earlier this year.

Players in Ninja Camp take on the role of woodland animals learning to become ninjas.  Cards are used to move the would-be ninjas around the camp, learning new skills as they go while reducing the movement options of the other animals.

This card game includes 85 cards and 16 ninja meeples.  Ninja Camp can be played by 2 to 4 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in about 30 minutes.  MSRP is $19.99.  Ninja Camp will be available in February.

Scoundrel Society pits rival con artists hoping to bilk as much loot as possible from the available marks.  Each piece of loot offers special abilities to help in future cons, but also increases the suspicion of Constable Cramphorn, who will arrive at the end of the game to arrest the player with the highest suspicion value. The most successful player remaining wins the game.

Scoundrel Society includes 104 cards and 35 tokens.  The game is for 2 to 5 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in about 45 minutes.  MSRP is $19.99. It will be available in January.