Re-Monster ($12.99) is based on a popular light novel series (written by Kogitsune, who is also scripting the manga) that falls in the increasingly popular fantasy genre that chronicles the adventures of a protagonist who is reborn into an RPG-like world (see Sword Art Online or Overlord for other examples of this genre.) In the Re-Monster manga teenager Tomokui Kanata suffers an early death, but then he is reborn into a very cool world of magic and swordplay—the only problem, he is now a lowly goblin with an insatiable appetite for food and a nasty temper. Re-Monster is rated “Older Teen” (16+).
Bloom Into You ($12.99) is a yuri love story in which a high school girl falls in love with the beautiful Student Council president. Will their shared love of shojo manga be enough to get them together? Lovers of the stars, blushes, and bubbles of shojo manga art will not be disappointed by Bloom Into You.For a complete rundown of Seven Seas Entertainment’s other new manga series see “2016 Titles From Seven Seas.”