The new Powerpuff Girls series is an extension of the new animated series that just launched on Cartoon Network (see “New ‘Powerpuff Girls’ Cartoon Series”), written by staff writers Jake Goldman and Haley Mancini (also the voice of Princess Morebucks). This closely connected continuity is part of an overall transmedia strategy to deliver new content featuring the characters across multiple connected platforms, according to the New York Times, a change since the property’s last incarnation 11 years ago.
The story in the first issue, launching in July, has the Powerpuff Girls off the public radar due to low crime rates, and arch nemesis Mojo Jojo making a comeback.
Interior art will be by Derek Charm, with a subscription variant cover by Paulina Ganucheau and retailer incentive covers with art by animators from the show.
In an art book connecting the worlds of music and animation, IDW will release Pearl Jam: Do the Evolution featuring the full story of the making of this historic music video directed by Image co-founder Todd McFarlane and animator Kevin Altieri (Batman: The Animated Series). Illustrated with cels, storyboards, and designs, the hardcover volume will ship in October. And under its Top Shelf imprint, IDW will begin releasing monthly comics versions of James Kochalka’s Superf*ckers as a five issue miniseries in August, with a variant cover by Ryan Ottley and a back-up story by Jake Lawrence. Each issue will feature a variant covers and four-page back-up stories by major indie artists, including Lara Knetzger, Box Brown, Rachel Lindsay, Julian Glander, Daryl Ayo, Debora Cheyenne Cruchon, Levin Jihanian, and Michael Fiffe.