For the third time in history, a piece of Tintin art has sold for over $1 million at auction, in this case at auction house Artcurial in Paris. The last two pages of the Tintin volume King Ottokar’s Sceptre sold for $1.2 million, according to the Wall Street Journal. That was by far the top price from the auction of comics and comic art, which brought in over $3.6 million overall.
Other notable prices included a Moebius piece for around $61,000, Bilal pieces for around $38,000 and $46,000. Showing the relative value French buyers place on American work, Frank Miller Sin City pages sold for around $8,000 and $5,000.
The record price worldwide for a comic art piece was the original for the Tintin endpapers, which sold for $3.5 million in 2014 (see "Comic Art Sells for $3.5 Million"), followed by a Tintin cover, which sold for $1.6 million in 2012 (see "'Tintin' Cover Sold for $1.6 Million").
The record price for a piece of American comic art is $657,250, the price paid for the last page of Hulk #180, the first appearance of Wolverine., by Herb Trimpe (see "Comic Art Page Sells for $657,250").

At Auction by Artcurial
Posted by Milton Griepp on May 2, 2016 @ 12:52 am CT