Marvel will launch a new miniseries based on Disney’s Tsum Tsum toy property in August.
The series will be written by Jacob Chabot (The Mighty Skullboy Army) with interior art by David Baldeon (Captain America, Web Warriors) and an issue #1 cover by Chris Samnee. The in-continuity story will follow the Tsum Tsum heroes as they come in contact with the Marvel Universe and their superhero counterparts, after a shipment falls to Earth en route to The Collector.
Originating in Japan, Disney’s Tsum Tsum are a range of collectible miniature oblong stackable stuffed toys based on popular Disney characters and other licensed properties. The line has become one of the most successful plush lines in Disney Store history, prompting category expansion into softlines, accessories, and home decor.

In August
Posted by Nicole Bunge on May 13, 2016 @ 11:36 am CT