Ninja Division is importing Prodos Games’ new version of the dark science fiction tabletop wargame Mutant Chronicles: Warzone Resurrection starting this month.
The Mutant Chronicles universe is a dystopian future where massive corporations have replaced the nations of old Earth, which has become uninhabitable, forcing mankind to make its home among the planets and moons of the inner Solar System. The five corporations—Bauhaus, Imperial, Mishima, Capitol, and Cybertronic, motivated by greed and the race for assets, squabble for control, while the extra-dimensional Dark Legion threatens to overwhelm everything and the ecclesiastical Brotherhood struggles to reunite the factions of humanity to resist the Dark Legion.
Warzone Resurrection is a table-top miniatures game set in the Mutant Chronicles universe. Forces from the five corporations, the Dark Legion, and the Brotherhood clash on the battlefields of this dark future. The game uses 32mm-scale soldiers and vehicles, and is suitable for small skirmishes and larger engagements. Instead of the “you-go-I-go” method common to most games, in Warzone Resurrection, players take turns alternating the activation of squads and vehicles. A combination of dice and cards are used to resolve the action in the game.
The miniatures will be sold in Starter Boxes, each with 12 or 13 models from one of the game’s factions, bases, cards, and dice for use in the game. Each Starter Box is MSRP $59.98.
A separate rulebook that includes game scenarios and special rules for the different factions is available separately, MSRP $55.98.
Game cards will also be sold separately, in Resource Card packs (MSRP $3.18) and MegaDecks (MSRP $31.98) for each faction.
Additional units of miniatures, heroes, heavy weapons, and vehicles are also being released, with prices ranging from $14.38 to $63.98.

Importing Prodos' 'Warzone Resurrection'
Posted by William Niebling on June 22, 2016 @ 5:08 pm CT