Comic Con News: On the eve of the San Diego Comic-Con Dynamite Entertainment announced the 2017 debut of
Sons of Ares, which will function as a prequel to author Pierce Brown’s bestselling
Red Rising science fiction trilogy. The Dynamite comics will feature original stories that introduce the saga’s major characters and explain the history and development of the highly unequal, color-coded society in the
Red Rising saga, which takes place on Mars where the lowest caste (the Reds) slave away underground, while the 1% (known as “The Golds”) reap all the benefits of the increasingly corrupt society.
Dynamite Entertainment is a leader in the production of licensed comics and has had considerable success adapting works by leading science fiction and fantasy authors. Most recently Dynamite’s edition of Brian Sanderson’s White Sand graphic novel sold out its initial print run of 15,000 copies.
Look for information on Dynamite’s Sons of Ares comics in the coming months.