Announced this past April as one of 20 new series (see “Image Announces 20 New Titles”), Moonshine #1 from Image Comics ships in October (just in time for Halloween) with two covers, one by Risso, and one by the legendary Frank Miller. Check out the first four pages of Moonshine #1 in the Gallery below.

Gangster/Horror Saga By Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso
Posted by ICv2 on August 12, 2016 @ 9:24 pm CT

Image Comics has provided a preview of Moonshine, a new creator-owned comic book series from the creators of 100 Bullets, Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso. In Moonshine Azzarello and Risso have created a classic Prohibition-era gangster saga with a fascinating horror twist. In 1929 big city torpedo Lou Pirlo travels deep into Appalachia seeking a source of illegal booze, but the mobster finds a little more than he bargained for in moonshiner Hiram Holt, who harbors a deep dark family secret that dictates that he better not ever see the light of the moon.