For years, the infamous Dr. Thomas Radecki made a name for himself arguing that roleplaying games and comics caused pernicious effects. He was cited by a Jack Chick publication arguing that roleplaying games caused suicide, murder and more back in 2001 (see “Jack Chick Takes on Games Again”). And way back in 1989, he appeared on a Larry King Show opposite comic publisher and creator Denis Kitchen to argue the evil effects of comics.
Radecki was sentenced in June to 11-22 years in prison for convictions on charges including illegally administering controlled substances by a doctor, conspiracy, and running a corrupt organization, according to WTAE in Pittsburgh. The actions leading to his convictions included overprescribing anti-addiction, anti-anxiety, and stimulant drugs and trading drugs for sex with female patients (leading to one child), according to the report.
Drug sales, all in cash, were generated by clinics in four Pennsylvania counties, leading to a wave of addictions. Radecki’s home contained about $5 million in prescription drugs.
We’re guessing Radecki is unlikely to be generating any more articles or TV appearances about the evils of geek culture from his new home.