Calliope Games has announced a deal to produce a new version of its hit dice game Roll for It! as an exclusive title for the Target chain.
The Target exclusive version will go on sale in both their retail stores and online on September 1. Roll for It! joins a wide assortment of other games that will be offered exclusively through Target, including Codenames: Deep Undercover and Ticket to Ride First Journey (see “Target Announces 50 Exclusive Games”).
The new version will be available in two separate packaging styles: the Roll for It! Dice Game Red Set and the Roll for It! Dice Game Purple Set. Each of the two sets comes with 30 cards and 24 dice plus a cloth carrying pouch, packaged in a windowed display box. Each set has enough for 2 to 4 players, but copies of both sets can be combined to allow up to 8 players.
MSRP for each set is $12.00.
Calliope will keep the $38.00 Roll for it! Deluxe version available to hobby retailers.
*UPDATE* The original Roll for It! Red and Purple Sets will be availible to hobby retailers as well.

'Red Set' and 'Purple Set'
Posted by William Niebling on August 29, 2016 @ 1:54 pm CT