Hunter Gorinson has been promoted to Vice President Marketing & Communications of Valiant Entertainment from his previous position as Director of Marketing, Communications & Digital Media, the company announced Thursday. Gorinson joined the company before its relaunch in 2012 as Marketing & Communications Manager and was promoted to the Director position in 2013. Gorinson has responsibility for the company’s marketing and public relations in publishing, licensing, digital media, and film.
Valiant execs were effusive in their praise. "Valiant's reputation for innovative marketing with tremendous reach within the world of comics and to the general public is in no small part due to Hunter's leadership," Valiant CFO & Chief Operating Officer Gavin Cuneo said of Gorinson.
"His influence and ideas have been integral to the company’s many unprecedented successes over the past five years," Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani said. "As a co-architect of Valiant’s resurgence, there is no better voice to oversee this crucial division as the company prepares to enter a new and expansive period across publishing and all facets of entertainment."

At Valiant
Posted by Milton Griepp on September 2, 2016 @ 1:20 am CT