Variety is reporting that cable entrepreneurs Nick Psaltos and Kim Bangash are planning to launch an all-horror cable network, which would debut on Halloween 2004.  While the financial requirements of their business plan appear daunting -- raising $82 million over the next two years won't be easy -- Psaltos and Bangash have lured three top horror directors, Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, and John Carpenter, to join the proposed network's advisory board.  So far no cable operators have signed on to carry the new network, but the Horror Channel could have a strong appeal to the hard-to-reach young adult male demographic.


According to Variety the operators of the new channel claim they will have access to more than 1,000 U.S horror movies and an equal number from abroad.  The new Horror Network has already secured the rights to 13 classic Italian horror films directed by Mario Bava (Black Sunday).  Having a cable channel devoted to this aspect of 'genre' filmmaking would be an advantage for pop culture retailers, especially given the recent renaissance in horror comics led by IDW.