Documentary filmmaker Sara Kenney, who wrote the comic, wrote, produced, and directed the app. Berger described the concept. “No one in comics has done anything quite like this before, and I was blown away by the idea of experimenting with off the page storytelling while keeping the purity of comics intact,” she said. “Not only has Sara created a rich and incredible world, but with the app she’s using her filmmaking talents to expand on the concept in an exciting and special way.”
A new app will be released in conjunction with each new issue of the comic; each will retail for $3.99.
Wellcome is also funding marketing to support the comic and app, Berger told ICv2. A social media campaign on Facebook and Twitter, including paid advertising, is planned. The goal is to reach not only comic fans who might buy other Image comics, but also to reach audiences interested in a medical thriller about a world where the superbugs have won.