Dark Horse Comics has promoted Melissa Lomax to Director of Marketing from her previous position as Marketing Manager, the company announced, making her “second-in-command” of the marketing department at Dark Horse. She’ll report to Vice President Marketing Matt Parkinson.
Lomax’s portfolio in the new position will include bookstore and direct market business strategies, digital publishing, promotions, social media, and advertising. Lomax was originally hired as Public Relations Coordinator in 2009, after two summer internships at Dark Horse.
Dark Horse President Mike Richardson commented on the move. “Melissa has proven herself to be a great asset to the company,” he said. “Her hard work and dedication have been an example for us all.”
Meanwhile Aub Driver, who’s been Public Relations Manager at Dark Horse since 2011, has left the company to take a position as Public Relations Director at consumer technology publisher Digital Trends.

Driver Leaves
Posted by Milton Griepp on September 30, 2016 @ 7:11 pm CT