The Parents Television Council, formed in 1995 "to ensure that children are not constantly assaulted by sex, violence and profanity on television and in other media," is decrying the violence in Sunday night’s Season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead, and using the occasion to call for what it calls "cable choice," or the unbundling of cable channel packages.
"Last night’s season premiere of The Walking Dead was one of the most graphically violent shows we’ve ever seen on television, comparable to the most violent of programs found on premium cable networks," PTC President Tim Winter said in a statement. "It’s not enough to ‘change the channel,’ as some people like to advocate, because cable subscribers -– regardless of whether they want AMC or watch its programming -– are still forced to subsidize violent content."
The Parents Television Council claims 1.4 million members.
The statement argues, incorrectly, that "programs with violent content are proven to be harmful, especially to children."
Calls for unbundling cable packages come from a number of directions, most based on economic arguments. And the advent of over-the-top services, by which consumers can stream a single channel or program on demand, may accomplish that with or without the help of the cable companies. But the reaction of the organization, and by fans on social media, shows that with this episode, the most popular geek show on television has broken new ground. Time will tell whether that’s a positive move for the franchise, which supports not only the sales of the source material graphic novels, but also hobby games and merch.
The Comic-Con trailer for the new season reveals more than the season premiere see "'The Walking Dead' Season 7 Comic-Con Trailer").

For Violence
Posted by Milton Griepp on October 25, 2016 @ 5:46 am CT