Marvel Entertainment has promoted Nick Lowe to Vice President of Content, Digital Publishing, the company announced Wednesday. In that role, Lowe will be providing content for Marvel’s digital imprint Infinite Comics (see "Marvel Announces New Digital-Only Comics Imprint"), and for Marvel’s new Video Comics, which premiered in November.
Video Comics, a hybrid comics/animation format that includes comic-style graphic paneling, dialogue, sound, video editing, digital motion effects, and light animation, appear to be the successor to motion comics, which Marvel has been experimenting with since 2009. Four Marvel Video Comics were released on Disney XD’s web channels and apps in November (see example embedded below).
Lowe will also continue in his current position of Executive Editor, in which he’s in charge of titles including Spider-Gwen, Silk, Mosaic, and Sorcerers Supreme.
To Vice President -- Content, Digital Publishing
Posted by Milton Griepp on January 4, 2017 @ 7:42 pm CT