Rick Biedrzycki of Dreamland in Schaumburg, Illinois saw the news on Avengers #71 (see 'Avengers #71 Delayed, Returnable'), and comments opposing the inclusion of material not for all ages in the title (see 'Jim Crocker of Modern Myths on Avengers Rating' and 'Joe Ferrara of Atlantis Fantasyworld on Avengers #71'), and feels that the reaction is overblown:


Okay, enough with the talk that makes Avengers #71 look like an X-Rated movie.  While I do agree that this scene was probably unnecessary to the over-all story the outcry from retailers regarding this is ridiculous.  There is NO nudity, no sex scenes, just two panels that SUGGEST there may be something going on here.  You don't see the Avengers participating in an all-out orgy throughout the book and I feel sorry for the retailers who are in parts of this country that they have to fear selling this but come on there is no overtly adult scenes in this book anywhere, just implied and if a young kid happened to buy this book would they even understand what was implied?


What really bothers me is suggestions that Marvel is making these comics for KIDS.  The reaction of retailers leads me to believe even they believe that 'Comics are for Kids.'  They are NOT, lot's of adults read these books and far many more than kids so why do these books have to be written for kids?  This kind of mentality will set the comic industry back to the 1950's.  Maybe what's really wrong here is the fact retailers do need to fear selling this and should be examining why we are allowing ourselves and our industry to be pushed around like this.


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