DC’s greatest detectives, Batman and the Flash, are set to join forces in "The Button," a four-issue crossover event in issues #21 and #22 of the characters’ respective standalone series.
"The Button" comes from Batman scribe Tom King and artist Jason Fabok and The Flash writer Joshua Williamson and illustrator Howard Porter. Fabok provides both standard and special lenticular covers for the four issues of the story arc. The standard covers have an MSRP of $2.99, and the lenticular covers are $3.99.
The story arc, which finds the Caped Crusader and Scarlet Speedster investigating the mystery behind a blood-stained smiley face button, is set to begin on April 19 with Batman #21. The Flash #21 will be in stores on April 26. Batman #22 is due May 3, and The Flash #22 will be on shelves on May 10.
The events of “The Button” should reveal some of the secrets behind Geoff Johns’ DC Universe: Rebirth #1 (see "DC Unveils 'Rebirth'").
Click Gallery below for both covers.

Featuring Lenticular Covers
Posted by Betsy Gomez on February 14, 2017 @ 1:47 am CT