The series comes from writer Satoshi Oshio and artist Hugin Miyama (who previously partnered on a manga adaptation of the Overlord light novel series), which was serialized in Comptiq magazine between 2013 and 2014. It focuses on Asumi, a young girl who has lost her memories except for that of a woman who resembles Miku. She is joined on her journey to find this woman by a robot named Asimov.
Hatsune Miku is making significant inroads into American fandom. Dark Horse in releasing another Hatsune Miku story, Hatsune Miku: Rin-Chan Now!, in April (see “Anime Expo Manga Announcement Round-Up”). Seven Seas has two Hatsune Miku titles on their 2017 docket (see “Seven Seas Adds Nearly Two Dozen New Titles”). Finally, Ultra PRO Entertainment recently announced a license to produce a Hatsune Miku board game (see “Ultra PRO Plans 'Hatsune Miku' Board Game”).