The 128-page, square bound, paperback graphic novel is written by Coulton and Matt Fraction (Sex Criminals, ODY-C), with art by Albert Monteys (Universe!). The high-concept graphic novel tells the same story as the concept album: two guys named Bob are somehow connected over hundreds of years by a funny science-FACTion nightmare about the end of the universe, which isn’t all bad.
Coulton’s new album, which he describes as “a concept album about the internet, trolls, artificial intelligence and how love and empathy will save humanity,” will release on April 28. The graphic novel releases to comic stores on July 26, and book trade on August 1. MSRP is $19.99. A limited edition, 132-page hardcover that includes sketches and a note section is available on Coulton’s website.
By Matt Fraction and Albert Monteys
Posted by Nicole Bunge on April 18, 2017 @ 5:04 pm CT

Image Comics will release a new original graphic novel based on quirky geek musician Jonathan Coulton’s forthcoming album Solid State.